Types of Men: Female Find Them Worst to Date

Types of Men: Female Find Them Worst to Date

Dating is a whirlpool of confusion and broken dreams. However, deep inside the riff-Raff, you may find your Mr. Right. The essence of dating is to never give up. Keep the faith that sooner, rather than later, you will find your soul mate. You can meet your soulmate anywhere at any time. As a woman actively looking for a life partner, the best thing you can do is to put yourself out there. Now, we can say with utmost certainty that you will meet terrible people. The best we can do is to highlight the worst types of men in the dating pool in a bid to psychologically prepare you. These are the worst kind of men to date.

The Alcoholic

This types of men is very dangerous both for your sanity and physical well-being. The alcoholic knows, from previous dead relationships, that he is no good. So look out for the early signs before you get too invested in such a relationship. The alcoholic is not dangerous when drunk, only when sober. The drunk state of mind belittles his issues and gives him the confidence to be around people. A sober state forces him to face his reality. When confronted, especially in a sober state, he will be vicious in his defense and may pose physical and emotional harm to you.

Types of Men: Female Find Them Worst to Date

The Forever Bachelor

This man, from the outside, looks like the perfect man. He is financially stable, well-groomed and organized. Always ask yourself, why is he not hitched yet? Most of these type of men have commitment issues. He will date you forever and waste your time. According to one of our sources, an independent female escort in Chennai , perennial bachelors are a common type of client. Don’t be fooled into thinking you will be the one he finally settles with; just ask his ex-girlfriend of 8 years.

Types of Men: Female Find Them Worst to Date

The Broke Gigolo

The broke gigolo is an aesthetically pleasing, dynamite-in-bed man who coasts on his looks. He knows that once you look into those deep blue eyes you will be swooning for a good amount of time. The downside of the pretty boy is that he is broke and has no intention of working for his own money. He will sashay his way into your bed and wallet without you noticing. Broke gigolo is a bad investment unless you want a house husband.

Types of Men: Female Find Them Worst to Date

The Cheater

Need we say more? A cheater ruins your relationship as well as your self-esteem. Cheaters are very emotionally manipulative and if you are not careful and decisive you will find yourself forgiving him for the umpteenth time. The minute you realize your date has a wandering eye, get out of that situation as fast as you can. Dating is a crazy part of all our lives. If done well, it is fun, but for the most part, it is exhausting. Relax, take your time and have fun. After all, life is never that serious.

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